Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Welcome To Our Blog

Welcome to πGuy Formula's Blog! Please share your feedback and ideas. 
Enjoy the video below.

Khai Grant: Homeless boy who befriends a caring ant.

Ant (Pi): Helps Khai when he has no one else on whom to depend.

πGuy (Khai Grant): Superhero who protects people who are threatened or attacked by forces much larger than them. πGuy’s super power is summoning and commanding an army of ants. He commands the ants with a combination of short phrases and American Sign Language (ASL).

Catch Phrase: “Gather, friends!”

Weapon: An army of ants.

Khai’s Hobbies: Skateboarding, drawing, dancing.

Parents: Unknown.

Quest: To find Khai’s parents.

Home: Abandoned buildings, subways, or anywhere else that offers shelter.

Property: A few worldly possessions kept in a backpack.

Interest: Street art/graffiti.

RoboPOM (Robot Police One Mission): The robot police structure controlled by the AI. The theory is a robot police department is impartial and would be faithful to their one mission of policing humanity. However, they are believed to be corrupted.

Khai Grant’s alter ego is Guy. Guy takes over whenever Khai is in a tough situation. Pi’s soul is extremely protective of Khai, and lies in the corner of his mind until it is needed. The moment Khai and Pi’s souls combine, Pi crawls out of Khai’s barbed-wire wrist tattoo, and runs up to his shoulder (ant run). Once Pi completes the ant run, Khai’s eyes turn black. πGuy states in an inhumanly deep voice, “Gather, friends!” Ants then come from all around and attack the enemy like a well-trained army. The ants can overpower even the largest villains. After the fight is over, the ants return to their origins.
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